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Career Fair introduces students to law enforcement, zip line jobs

Sophomore Isaiah Denison talked with local fire personnel about what it takes to become a firefighter during the recent Career Fair on campus. Photo by Zayra Salinas

Students had a unique opportunity to meet local professionals and explore career choices during a Career fair held on campus during Study Hall on Apr. 30 in front of the B Building.

Students who attended got to see the variety of displays, which included information from a representative for the United States Army Recruiting Command, who discussed Boot Camp and the benefits of a military career; firefighters, who let students explore their fire truck and regaled students with stories about the challenges and rewards of being a firefighter; and Margarita Adventures, which operates a local zip line attraction in their vineyard. They hire people aged 16 and above with a driver’s license. The Margarita Adventures booth had brochures advertising their zip line attraction and their sustainable farming practices, as well as the native wildlife and rich history of the Central Coast.

Some of the displays were very interactive. The firefighters allowed students to go into the fire truck and look at their gear and tools. One such tool was the hydraulic cutter, which was used during the “Every 15 Minutes” rescue demonstration held by Friday Night Live in April. A police officer trainee for the high school attended and displayed tools and vests to help demonstrate what officers work with when they deal with emergency situations. The officer also joked about the battering ram, saying, “If the officer can’t open the door with at least two hits, he has to buy the whole team lunch.”

Sophomore Naomi Damery said she attended the fair to “learn and see the career options.” The fair is held to inspire teens to think about potential future careers, and how they can prepare for them while still in high school.

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