‘Each Mind Matters’ scavenger hunt helps students learn to care for themselves
Sophomores Ravi Bagdwal and Faith Hawkins won the scavenger hunt that required them to take selfies once they found some places on campus that help them take better care of themselves. Photo contributed
The Wellness Center sponsored an “Each Mind Matters” scavenger hunt on May 8 during Study Hall. The event was created by California’s Mental Health Movement to raise awareness about mental health. The scavenger hunt was a way for students to be more in touch with their emotions and the importance of self-care.
In this scavenger hunt, students participated by getting a checklist, evaluation sheet, a lime green item and additional objects when they signed in that morning at the check-in table. The task was to take selfie photos in multiple locations on campus to check off the following items: a place where you can raise your heart rate for 30 minutes, a place where someone will listen to you without judgment, a place to find quiet, a place to connect with nature, a place to get something healthy to eat, a place to go in an emergency, a place to get help for finals, a place you go to relieve stress, a place you feel like you belong, and a place you feel safe.
Students uploaded the pictures to a specific social media address and entered a survey in order to win prizes such as gift cards and a pizza party. The Wellness Center received a grant from the “Each Mind Matters” organization to fund the items, snacks, and prizes. Out of 250 schools that applied, AHS was one of 50 to receive this scholarship.
Sophomores Faith Hawkins and Ravi Bagdwal won first place for their efforts. Second place winners were Nick Brown, Connor Morris, Logan Dugas, and Truly Hawkins. Third place went to Sean Nunez, Crystal Barnes, Ben Chester, and Taryn Miller.
“This scavenger hunt was a great way to learn where to find helpful resources to keep a healthy brain,” said Faith Hawkins. “Not a lot of people realize that maintaining a healthy mindset is just as important as physical health. I enjoyed participating in the hunt; I was able to find places that were quiet, a place to connect with nature, and much more. A place I found to be great is our high school track; it’s a great place to exercise.”
Wellness Center coordinator Kamela Proul said, “All those who participated thought it was fun, and they reported the activity helped emphasize the need to take care of one's self, and the resources available here on campus,” When asked about planning future school activities, she said, “I'd love to partner with ASB and/or Peer Mentors next school year at the beginning of the year or during Freshman Orientation to do a similar event. This would help students know how to access support right from the beginning of their high school careers. It could also promote greater well-being and success.” Proulx added, “We will have several events and activities next year. One thing established is the annual Calendar Art and Poetry Contest. Next year's theme will be ‘Connection.’”
The Wellness Center provided a pizza lunch for the first place winners, while second and third received self-care items such as water bottles, lotion, chapstick and gift cards. Also, the first place winners were able to invite friends to the pizza party and receive gift cards.
Those who want to learn more information about this program may go to eachmindmatters.org