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Quilting lessons offered to students during Study Hall

During a Study Hall sewing lesson, Taylor Clarke and Ms. Ursprung work together to create squares to be sewn into quilts that will be donated to those in foster care.

Photo Zayra Salinas

On Jan. 24 during Study Hall the library held another quilting event. The previous event was on Dec. 10, 2018. Students had to reserve a spot because space was limited.

Students had lots of fun sewing the quilts the way they liked. They could choose from fabrics with stripes, polka dots, and little pictures as designs. “I love coming back every time. It’s really fun,” said freshman Emma Jordan. If students had a hard time sewing, Ms. Ursprung, a library volunteer, and library technician Ms. Gonzalez were available to help them. Ms. Ursprung is part of the Almond Country Quilt Guild which is a group that sews quilts and then donates them to children in foster care.

“At first I thought it would be hard, but once you start, it’s easy; you just have to keep a pace,” said freshman Leeann Coulton. Sophomore Taylor Clarke also thought the quilting event was difficult to learn at first, but fun once she go the hang of it.

Students sewed their pieces and then ironed them to complete the squares. The quilts will be donated to the foster care system when they are finished. Ms. Ursprung said, “I love teaching them how to sew. It may seem hard at first, but you have to take it step by step so you can learn.”

The quilting Study Hall events are opportunities for students without any prior sewing experience to learn how to sew. There is an upcoming quilting event set for Feb. 27 during Study Hall.

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