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New car lift in auto shop offers more high tech training opportunities

Noah Meade and Nicholas Hawkins inspect the new lift recently installed in the auto shop. Photo by Eden Marshall.

On Dec. 10 the Advanced Automotive class watched as their new car lift was installed in the shop. The class had transferred an old lift to the other end of the shop to open up more space. The lifts allow students to access the underside of the cars so that they can practice repairs.

The CTE Incentive Grant funded the new lift’s purchase. According to Mr. Herrera, the AHS auto shop teacher and SkillsUSA Adviser, the new lift has four posts which makes it safer than the current two-post lifts. In addition, more students can work under the four-post lift, and Mr. Herrera feels lucky to have this welcome addition to his shop.

The automotive classes at AHS are part of the school’s System Diagnostics, Service, and Repair CTE pathway that prepares students for postsecondary education and employment in the transportation industry. This includes motor vehicles, rail systems, marine applications, and small-engine and specialty equipment. This pathway begins with the Consumer Automotive class. According to the AHS website, this pathway is ideal for a career involving automobiles. All areas of automobile operation, maintenance, and ownership are explored throughout the courses. By completing projects individually or in groups, students learn proper work habits and tool usage. They can service their own vehicles, although school-supplied vehicles are also available to work with.

After completing the first step in the CTE pathway, Consumer Automotive, students move on to the Advanced Automotive class, which expands upon the same concepts. Students spend more time in the lab servicing vehicles and completing complex assignments, where they continue practicing proper tool usage and safe lab practices. The third step in the pathway is the Auto Repair Business course that introduces the many facets of operating an automotive repair business. This class is part of the dual enrollment program with Cuesta College.

Several advanced students also participate in the SkillsUSA competitions both locally and regionally.

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