Devastating season for the Hounds ends in heartbreaking loss against rival Bearcats
Westley Cooper runs the football downfield earlier in a season full of disappointments. Photo by Megan Weferling
With the football season coming to an end, Atascadero hosted a game against longtime rivals, the Paso Robles Bearcats. By the end of the first quarter, the Bearcats had 14 points and Greyhounds was trailing behind them by 7 points. As halftime rolled around, the score was tied at 21, giving football fans hope for a win after a long, disappointing season of losses. By the end of the third quarter, neither team had gotten any additional points, so it still sat at 21-21. The end of the fourth quarter sealed a victory for Paso with a score of 28-24. It was a hard fought heartbreaker for the Hounds, yet a thrill ride for anyone watching, but in the end Hounds couldn't pull off a win.
The back and forth play was exciting to watch, even though the Hounds did not come out on top. The highlights of the play by play are as follows. Starting the game, the Hounds punted the ball to Paso to start off the game. The Bearcats were quick to make a passing touchdown within the first minute of the first quarter. The Bearcats then made a field goal, getting an extra points.
Paso kicked off to Atascadero, giving up the ball on the the Hound’s 40-yard line. The Hounds punted the ball to the Bearcats, landing it on Paso’s 8-yard line. Within the next couple of minutes, the Bearcats had inched their way down the field until they were inside the 20-yard line and made a rushing touchdown along with an extra point.
Paso Robles punted to Atascadero on the Hounds own 14-yard line. Atascadero got a first down on Paso Robles' 45-yard line. The Hounds kept the ball moving to the 25-yard line, still first down. With three minutes to go, neither made teams made any points ending the first quarter at 14-7.
The first team to score a touchdown and an extra point in the second quarter was the Hounds, which raised hopes for a win. With the score tied at 14-14, Atascadero recovered a fumble by Paso Robles on Paso Robles' 11-yard line. Atascadero made a rushing touchdown and a field goal for an extra point. Paso then made a 25-yard passing touchdown and an extra point to bring the score to another tie, which brought the second quarter to a close.
During the entire third quarter both teams played great defense, and neither team was able to make any points, letting the score sit at 21-21.
Atascadero made a 30-yard field goal, bumping the score to 21-24. With only three minutes to go, things were looking good for the Hounds. With just over a minute to go, both teams crossed their fingers. The Bearcats were hoping to get a touchdown; the Hounds were hoping to take the win.
With both teams on the edge of their seats, pulses racing, the Bearcats inching forward and the clock ticking away, Paso made a final attempt to win the game. The crowd seemed to hold their breaths and then out of the silence a synchronized, thundering cheer made everyone aware that Paso had made a touchdown.
The game came to a close at 28-24. It was a bitter pill to swallow knowing that the Hounds hadn’t won a single game this season.